Certify a Playful Learning Site!
PLLAN’s Playful Learning Certification program acknowledges sites that adhere to the evidence-based PLL model. The application focuses on identifying whether a site was created in alignment with the core standards of the PLL model.
What is Certification?
Organizations interested in becoming Certified Playful Learning sites should complete the application process to demonstrate how the project incorporates the 3 prongs of a successful PLL: Community Engagement + the How & What of Learning + Maintenance & Rejuvenation Plans. Certified sites join the ever-expanding global Playful Learning Network.

Who should apply?
Playful Learning Certification is open to anyone who is bringing playful learning to their communities. Applicants can be community members, architects, government officials, families, or anyone else who has developed a playful learning project.
PLLAN certifies projects at two different stages of development:
Projects in which activities for a site have been developed but have not yet been installed
Projects in which activities for a site have been developed and installed
Featured Site
Hear from one of our first certified sites about the process and what excites them about being a certified PLL.
What are the Criteria?
Community Engagement
Section 1 asks how you engaged with your community, and how their values are represented in the project.
Infusion of 21st Century Skills
Section 2 asks how the research-based components of playful learning are integrated into your design.
Rejuvenation and Maintenance
Section 3 asks you to explain your post-installation plans and how you will ensure long-term upkeep of your site.
Certified applicants receive
the following benefits
Recognition that site(s) have been designed according to the principles of playful learning (an asset for funding and publicity), designated by a plaque to display at the installation site
Connection with peers implementing Playful Learning Landscapes and access to playful learning resources (e.g., PLLAN workshops, trainings, and webinars)
Option to feature the site on PLLAN’s website and locator app
A press packet and marketing materials to publicize your installation